Rocking Show, But For Thirty Bucks?

Last Friday, the local radio station, the Peak, 107.1 had a show down at the Vintage in White Plains NY. It featured two relatively unknown acts, Daniella Cotton and Back Door Slam. both have been getting some attention though, and that attention is deserved. Hopefully, we will hear more from both of these acts!
So two cool acts at the Vintage, which is a great bar and venue in White Plains. And the place was packed! It was very cool to see a capacity crowd for a rock show happening in Westchester. It confirmed that folks will come out and support rock and check out a good show! It was nice to see someone working to bring rock to Westchester and succeeding!
The one thing that threw me, however, was the price tag. To get into this show, the price was $30. That is alot of money for two bands that are really just starting. Remember, the Wild West had some decent acts in the Vintage awhile back, and some folks were upset that I was charging $10. Packing the place at $30 a head just entitles the station to that much more credit. No doubt they had their costs and I trust the bands got paid. We are talking a radio station that boasts world class rock.
What was amazing to me was the amount of advertising done on the station to get the word out, It was the Peak's birthday celebration too but boy they truly did push this event! That is the scary part. Today you have to do that much advertising to fill a venue.
I just do not think it was always that way. It is today though. It is a challenge.
Do Note-the flyer at the top of the page is from 2005! It is a flyer from another show with two very cool bands, but not advertised like the Peak show. It took place three years ago and is done!
Labels: 107.1, radio, Rock, the Peak, westchester, White Plains
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