Poker, Bond, & Gaga among other things. . .
Poker has always intrigued us. You had Kenny Rogers in the Gambler, always knowing when to hold and when fold them. You had the Sting with Redford and Newman, where they initially worked the mark in that game on the train. Plus numerous westerns, many in black and white, all with a poker game going on in the saloon.
Poker is part of who we are, but today it seems to be even more so. At least from a quick glance at the culture. Today we got Poker tournaments on miscellaneous cable channels. We got poker online. A good chunk of Casino Royale is Bond in a poker game. And let us not forget Lady Gaga's Poker Face. Poker is hot.
Gambling in general is hot these days or it was. Look at the financial debacle that we put ourselves in. A lot of gambling was going on there. It is interesting that AIG, an insurance company, was the biggest loser. One of those moments where you realize that the insurance business is just a variation on gambling. Both making predictions on what will happen. Granted insurance is not as much fun as poker or even Lady Gaga, but definitely AIG was betting the farm. And today, no bets are being made - well at least fewer and smaller. Subscribe to The Wild West Blog by Email
Poker is part of who we are, but today it seems to be even more so. At least from a quick glance at the culture. Today we got Poker tournaments on miscellaneous cable channels. We got poker online. A good chunk of Casino Royale is Bond in a poker game. And let us not forget Lady Gaga's Poker Face. Poker is hot.
Gambling in general is hot these days or it was. Look at the financial debacle that we put ourselves in. A lot of gambling was going on there. It is interesting that AIG, an insurance company, was the biggest loser. One of those moments where you realize that the insurance business is just a variation on gambling. Both making predictions on what will happen. Granted insurance is not as much fun as poker or even Lady Gaga, but definitely AIG was betting the farm. And today, no bets are being made - well at least fewer and smaller. Subscribe to The Wild West Blog by Email
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